For many businesses advertising isn't working as well as it has in the past and the ever-increasing number of advertising options is making things even more confusing. “Advertising 2006: Trends, Techniques and One Trick” helps make sense of the rapidly changing marketing and advertising landscape. In this two hour fifteen minute presentation we examine:
Seven trends, which will impact marketing and advertising in the next few years.
Six techniques to help you improve the return on your advertising expenditure.
One magic trick sure to amaze and delight business owners of all ages.
You'll learn:
How to talk to your customers in their language about things that matter to them.
How to make your message stick in an over communicated society
How walking the walk is more important than just talking the talk.
The comparative strengths of media options and how to buy them.
About new media options.
How to understand the factors affecting your sales volume.
Designed for groups of 6 or more "Advertising 2006" combines audio and video elelments into a fun fast-paced look at the world of local advertisers.
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